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Powered By Eat From Farms

Bone Broths, Tallow and Schmaltz

Created from a medley of Crane Dance Farm bones, local organic produce, reverse osmosis mineralized water, and heavy...

Grassfed Chicken Eggs

Animal Welfare Approved. The real deal. Heritage breed chickens with portable housing on our chemical free...

Lamb 100% grassfed

Heritage breeds of hair sheep bred, born and finished on our farm. Pure, clean mild flavor. Enjoy the exquisite and...

100% Grassfed Beef - Steaks

Born here, finished here. Yup, we are control freaks. Turns out that is a good thing for you....

100% Grassfed Beef - Roasts & Specialty Cuts

Born and humanely raised on our chemical-free pastures...No grain ever!

beef sausages, from our 100% grassfed beef

100% grassfed beef certified by A Greener World. Bred, Born and grazed on our farm. These sausages are great...

Pure, raw honey

From the busy bees on and near Crane Dance Farm. Our bee keeper is amazing and so is the raw, unfiltered honey and...

Pastured Heirloom Pork - Ribs/Chops/Roasts

Animal Welfare Approved and heritage breeds. It makes a difference in the flavor...and the karma!

Pastured Heirloom Pork - Sausages

Animal Welfare Approved. Born on our farm. Not just the trim, but prime cuts and good, clean spices. No MSG, No...

Pastured Heirloom Pork - Specialties

The stuff that's hard to find....

Pastured Heirloom Pork - Smoked Meats

Animal Welfare Approved, of course. No nitrates, No MSG, No preservatives....smoked over hickory wood. Yes, real...

Specialty roasts

For holidays and festive times, these meats make the meal...

Fresh Grassfed Turkeys

"Best. Turkey. Ever." Year after year, this is what our loyal customers report about the flavor and texture...

Pasture grown chicken

Broad breasted chickens grown Crane Dance Farm style - on pasture with room to roam. Besides all of the organic...

Rendered lard from our pasture grown pigs

Our pasture raised rendered leaf fat. Excellent for baking, frying, pie crusts.

pet food

raw meats and organ meats we have for your pets. some people feed raw, others cook....

Biological fertilizers

We use and sell Fertrell products on our farm. Visit https://www.fertrell.com/ for more information

Gift cards

Crane Dance Farm Gift Cards: give a gift that everyone will love!

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