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Animal Welfare Approved and heritage breeds. It makes a difference in the flavor...and the karma!
Showy and delicious! From the best part of the loin, this trimmed long bone roast is 4-6 pounds. Roast or grill....
Epicurean. Declared "best on the planet" by a market customer. Two chops per package. Average pack size...
Beautiful 4-6 pound boneless loin roast...roast and serve. We really like the Pork Loin Florentine recipe from the...
Indulge in a Tom Jones orgy of bonesucking fingerlicking give-me-more ribs. A real crowd pleaser. One package is...
It's true. We fed these as burgers to our teen-age farm helpers last summer, and the boys begged for ground pork...
The whole butt and nothing but the butt....Serious about pulled pork? Then this is the choice for you. Enough for a...