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Powered By Eat From Farms

Crane Dance Farm Schedule

- Ordering Window Open Now

Delivery Address:
4601 N Johnson Rd
Middleville, MI, 49333
Delivery Partners:

Welcome!  You may order from our inventory at any time for pickup at the farm. We have farm hours on Fridays from 4-6, and hope that this is a time that will work for you. Please give us an idea of what you have in mind if Friday 4-6 does not work for you by adding a comment at the bottom of your order.

COVID-19 UPDATE:  We are happy to offer drive up service at our farm. Simply call 616.293.1091 when you arrive, and we will drop your order in your vehicle.

We're confident you will love our products and we look forward to serving you.

All credit card orders will have a 3% convenience fee added to cover the fees we are charged.  Thank you for understanding.

Delivery TimeOrdering StartsOrdering Ends
02/14/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 02/07/2025 at 08:00AM 02/13/2025 at 11:00AM
02/21/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 02/14/2025 at 08:00AM 02/20/2025 at 11:00AM
02/28/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 02/21/2025 at 08:00AM 02/27/2025 at 11:00AM
03/07/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 02/28/2025 at 08:00AM 03/06/2025 at 11:00AM
03/14/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 03/07/2025 at 08:00AM 03/13/2025 at 11:00AM
03/21/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 03/14/2025 at 08:00AM 03/20/2025 at 11:00AM
03/28/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 03/21/2025 at 08:00AM 03/27/2025 at 11:00AM
04/04/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 03/28/2025 at 08:00AM 04/03/2025 at 11:00AM
04/11/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 04/04/2025 at 08:00AM 04/10/2025 at 11:00AM
04/18/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 04/11/2025 at 08:00AM 04/17/2025 at 11:00AM
04/25/2025 - 04:00AM to 06:00PM 04/18/2025 at 08:00AM 04/24/2025 at 11:00AM
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